If you are wanting to place and order and have your church billed, please check with your church office first to see if they have established a billable account with Group Publishing.
If you are ready to create an account at Group.com please click on Create Account.
When you are creating an account on Group.com you will have the opportunity to choose NEW CHURCH/ORGANIZATION or a NEW INDIVIDUAL.
If you choose New Church/Organization you will be directed to this page where you will need to fill in the required information.
Tax Exempt information on new church accounts.
After your account setup is complete, the first order you place may not be tax exempt. To setup tax exempt status on future orders, respond to the email link you receive with instructions to upload your sales tax exemption certificate. It will take 48-72 hours to verify your tax certificate. Once it is verified, your orders will be sales tax exempt. Each state and locality have different rules about what products are sales tax-exempt and whether shipping costs are taxable.
If you need more information or have further questions please call our Customer Support team at 1-800-447-1070 option 1 Monday - Friday 8am - 2pm Mountain Time or email info@group.com.
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